Biography of Mieke Mosmuller
In her book 'Eine Klasse voller Engel' Mieke Mosmuller writes about her spiritual life: As a child of an evangelical-reformed father and a Catholic mother, I was raised in the Catholic faith and also experienced the religious customs and contents of my father's family. The religious upbringing was not strongly determined by any church, more by the Christian content as such. I went to a Catholic primary school and an urban grammar school, where I had to learn classical languages and history in addition to modern languages and science. Greek mythology made me ask questions about biblical contents and faith itself - because they also seemed to be mythical ...
The work of Mieke Mosmuller
The importance of the development of pure thinking for world development and mankind. Freedom and love. - Mieke Mosmuller - In the natural sciences as well as in the social sciences and philosophy, the greatest importance is attached to objectivity. Only that which can be perceived with the senses - be it directly or thanks to sophisticated instruments - is considered objective and is investigated scientifically. In natural science, this already imposes certain limits. When you apply natural science to the human body, questions arise that have to do with ethics. However, in the natural science of man there is still a high degree of precision and objectivity, because the body of man can undoubtedly be sensory ...